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(i) Semen is a mixture of sperm and seminal fluid (liquid produced by the seminal vesicles, Cowper’s glands and prostate gland).


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(iii) Hair growth on the face and body.
Deepened voice caused by the enlargement of the larynx.

(iv) Testosterone


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(ii) Glucose

(iii) Hepatic artery

(iv) The liver is found to the right and slightly in front of the stomach.

(v) The gall bladder

(vi) Bile salts emulsify fat.

(vii) The breakdown of toxic products such as alcohol.
Converts glucose to glycogen and stores it as an energy source.

(i) While the baby continues to feed, prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland, which causes milk to be produced by the mammary glands.

(ii) The common cold is caused by a virus and antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Antibiotics only work on bacteria.

(iii) Roughage/fibre provided by wholegrain cereal prevents constipation by stimulating peristalsis.

(iv) During exercise the athlete would sweat to cool him/her down.  This means water is excreted so there is less water in the urine, resulting in more concentrated urine.

(v) When a person is exposed to low temperatures the blood vessels constrict to move away from the surface and prevent heat loss.  The extremities (fingers and toes) may turn white as a result.